make: Entering directory `/home/dr/screenmanager' Thu Jan 12 09:30:39 CET 2023 : make convert_videos VIDEOS="/home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/33062.mp4 /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/11043.mp4 /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4 " SCALE=1024x768 ROTATE= TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt && make convert_videos VIDEOS="/home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4 /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4 " SCALE=640x360 ROTATE= TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt && : make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dr/screenmanager' PASSFILE=/tmp/tmp.gqVUWKySGX && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/33062.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.33333333333333333333 -s 1024:768 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 1 -f null - && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/33062.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.33333333333333333333 -s 1024:768 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 2 -f webm -y /tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt/videos_1024x768/33062.webm PASSFILE=/tmp/tmp.JXbI4jtnv4 && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/11043.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.33333333333333333333 -s 1024:768 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 1 -f null - && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/11043.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.33333333333333333333 -s 1024:768 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 2 -f webm -y /tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt/videos_1024x768/11043.webm PASSFILE=/tmp/tmp.jSaRFeRT40 && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.33333333333333333333 -s 1024:768 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 1 -f null - && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.33333333333333333333 -s 1024:768 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 2 -f webm -y /tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt/videos_1024x768/46912.webm Output file is empty, nothing was encoded Output file is empty, nothing was encoded Output file is empty, nothing was encoded make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dr/screenmanager' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dr/screenmanager' Makefile:44: target `/home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4' given more than once in the same rule. PASSFILE=/tmp/tmp.dN7M7tHw6P && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.77777777777777777777 -s 640:360 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 1 -f null - && \ ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i /home/dr/screenmanager-data/ads/11210/46912.mp4 -passlogfile $PASSFILE -aspect 1.77777777777777777777 -s 640:360 -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis -b:a 80k -pass 2 -f webm -y /tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt/videos_640x360/46912.webm Output file is empty, nothing was encoded make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dr/screenmanager' mksquashfs /home/dr/screenmanager/template-squashfs/* \ $(find /tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1) \ /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/advertisement_Viking_Grace_hög_vinst_20230112093039.squashfs \ -noappend \ -p "/slides.js f 444 www-data www-data cat /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/.tmp/slides.js" -p "/dynamic_pages_style.css f 444 www-data www-data cat /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/.tmp/dynamic_pages_style.css" Executing dynamic pseudo file "/slides.js f 444 www-data www-data cat /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/.tmp/slides.js" Executing dynamic pseudo file "/dynamic_pages_style.css f 444 www-data www-data cat /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/.tmp/dynamic_pages_style.css" Parallel mksquashfs: Using 8 processors Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/advertisement_Viking_Grace_hög_vinst_20230112093039.squashfs, block size 131072. [===============================================================/] 123/123 100% Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072 compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs duplicates are removed Filesystem size 6710.60 Kbytes (6.55 Mbytes) 75.13% of uncompressed filesystem size (8932.42 Kbytes) Inode table size 1307 bytes (1.28 Kbytes) 33.50% of uncompressed inode table size (3902 bytes) Directory table size 1164 bytes (1.14 Kbytes) 41.42% of uncompressed directory table size (2810 bytes) Number of duplicate files found 6 Number of inodes 113 Number of files 77 Number of fragments 9 Number of symbolic links 0 Number of device nodes 0 Number of fifo nodes 0 Number of socket nodes 0 Number of directories 36 Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 3 Number of uids 3 unknown (999) www-data (33) dr (1000) Number of gids 3 unknown (999) www-data (33) dr (1000) rm -rf /tmp/tmp.dMtO6zpJqt tar -cvzf /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/advertisement_Viking_Grace_hög_vinst_20230112093039.tar.gz \ -C /home/dr/screenmanager/template-tarball/packages . \ /home/dr/screenmanager-data/packages/11210/advertisement_Viking_Grace_hög_vinst_20230112093039.squashfs \ --transform 's,.*\(advertisement_.*\.squashfs\),./bee/\1,' \ --show-transformed-names ./ ./ ./ ./ ./install_helpers ./ ./ tar: Removing leading `/' from member names ./bee/advertisement_Viking_Grace_h\303\266g_vinst_20230112093039.squashfs make: Leaving directory `/home/dr/screenmanager'